
I’m April Nicole

Your go-to girl for all things France travel

The Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Élysées, and the glistening light reflections along the Seine… these iconic Parisian sights are familiar from film and TV, but I’ve turned this romantic dream into my reality.

Originally from Dallas, Texas, my first encounter with France was during a solo trip to Europe in June 2019. Stepping off the train at Gare du Nord, I fell in love with Paris instantly, with no expectations and a heart full of ambition. When I returned to the U.S., the charm of Paris lingered in my mind. The idea of moving to this enchanting city took root, and I eagerly began researching my options.

Fueled by daydreams, I enrolled in a French language school in Paris, eager to immerse myself in the culture and language of the city I adored. I returned to France in January 2020, planning to explore Paris and live like a local, hoping it could become a long-term arrangement. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which delayed my plans, I finally moved to Paris in March 2021 with a year-long visa and a heart full of joy.

Now settled in Paris, I am thrilled to share my experiences through the ‘Dreaming in French Blog’. This platform is a testament to my journey as an American in France, capturing the highs and lows of adapting to a new life in Europe. Through my blog, I aim to bring my audience along on my intimate journey, showcasing my passion for Paris and providing insights through my eyes.

Discover inspiring stories, packing guides, and expert travel tips to help you dream big & travel France with confidence.

Behind the blog

How it all started

My love affair with Paris began during my first solo trip in June 2019. The moment I set foot in this enchanting city, the majestic sights, the welcoming locals, and the exquisite cuisine captured my heart. From the awe-inspiring view atop the Eiffel Tower to the serene walks along the Seine, every corner of Paris seemed to tell a story. The vibrant streets of Montmartre, with artists capturing the essence of French life, and the historical echoes within the walls of Notre Dame, all spoke to me deeply.

What truly made me fall in love were the Parisians themselves; their warmth and joie de vivre made me feel at home. Dining at quaint bistros, I savored dishes that were a delightful burst of flavors—each meal a celebration of French culinary arts.

This journey did more than spark my Francophile dreams; it was the beginning of a profound bond with France, inspiring me to share and relive this passion through every word I write.

Get to Know Me

coffee order

oat milk flat white

favorite destination

french polynesia

always in my carryon

airpods + a good book

AIRBNB or hotel?

hotel girlie!

On my bucket list

great barrier reef

Guilty pleasure

ben & jerry’s half baked

Window or aisle?

window always

currently binging

virgin river


My favorite French destinations are Paris for its romantic ambiance and rich history, Lille for its charming old town and vibrant culture, and Nice for its stunning Mediterranean views and delightful cuisine. Each city offers a unique blend of beauty, culture, and unforgettable experiences.

My go-to airline is Air France. They offer excellent service, comfortable seating, and delicious in-flight meals. Plus, they have a fantastic loyalty program.

I’ve been blogging since 2021! It’s been an amazing journey sharing my love for Paris and France with you all. Here’s to many more adventures and stories to come!

I’d love to collaborate! Whether it’s guest posts, travel tips, or partnership ideas, just drop me a message through my contact page. Let’s create amazing content together and share the beauty of France with the world!

Where are you off to Next?

Packing Guides
The Travel Shop
Places to Stay